This course has been developed for managers who are appointed to become the operational crisis manager during a crisis or disaster. At the end of the course, the participant is qualified to become an operational crisis manager during crises or disasters.
Program overview
The training program of operational crisis manager consists of four days: Business Continuity Management, Crisis Management, Crisis Communication and After Care.
In the first day we address Business Continuity Management: what are the basic elements of business continuity and how can they be applied in your organization?
In the second day we address Crisis Management: how does your crisis management organization work and what are your options to cooperate with third parties and the Government?
In the third day we address Crisis Communication: how can you organize your crisis communication team and what is necessary to communicate well with your employees, shareholders and the public.
In the fourth day we address After Care: how can you organize the recovery phase and especially what you should do when your organization has been confronted with serious injured employees or even worse tragic deaths. This day will be concluded with the examination.
Theory and practice
This course has been carefully balanced between theory and practice, thus keeping our participants highly motivated. Specific case studies help the participant to understand and master the skills necessary to be effective in the hot seat.
Study effort
The study effort is 44 hours, spread over 32 contact hours (4 days) and 12 hours of home study.
The training program is certified. Participants who pass the examination receive a certificate.
The examination consists of a practical test, where the participants must cooperate in a crisis management team and solve a scenario in a limited time period.
On request, a curriculum can be sent.
Number of participants
The minimum number of participants is 10 and the maximum number is 15.